Top 6 Tips for Recording Perfect Audio
Are you thinking about starting a podcast or YouTube channel? Well, it is always possible to record a video or audio with a smartphone in your pocket. But, you know what? The listeners get easily frustrated with continuous background noises or low volume. Bad sound quality and distorted noises have the power to ruin all your efforts of recording audio or making videos.
Relax buddy, you don’t need to worry about bad sound quality too. Keep reading this blog to learn about top-notch tips that take your audio recording or video content to an upgraded level.
1. Silence
Observe your recording space. You must concentrate on the sudden sounds that come in your mic. It can be humming sounds from fans or refrigerators, jingling noise of a pet’s collar, and traffic noises from an open window. Try to limit your background noises as much as you can. Good editing software such as OcenAudio and Audacity can remove constant sound, but not variable environmental noises.
2. Put your phone in airplane mode
If you’re doing a recording with a smartphone, put it in airplane or silent mode. So, your recording won’t interrupt with a message tone and rattling vibrations of incoming calls.
3. Invest in a good mic
The microphone set is one of the most significant elements for recording quality audio. If you want to start a channel on YouTube or maybe you’re thinking about starting a podcast, then improve your recordings by investing in an external mic. There are various mic options that you can buy online or at your local music shop.
Basically, mics are divided into two major sections i.e. unidirectional mic and omnidirectional mic. Unidirectional mic is the best option if you have one speaker or only source of the sound. While a dynamic or omnidirectional mic is best if you want to record an interview-style podcast, as it absorbs sound from all directions.
4. Value your listeners
Readers and listeners are on the same page in this scenario. A good website design keeps readers intact; similarly, quality audio keeps listeners around. While sharing valuable content through platforms, make sure that you won’t lose the interest of your audience even for a second. Here’s 7 quick steps to make sure you get a quality audio recording.
Pick the Space. Rather than renting a studio, invest in a portable sound booth. Even a cheaper sound booth takes your recording to another level. Its acoustic foam absorbs high-density noises and blocks all unnecessary noises from reaching the microphone.
Drink water. Keep your body well-hydrated during recording sessions so that words don’t get twisted up.
Sit up straight. A posture of sitting or standing straight gives your voice more clarity and strength.
Speak into the mic. Ensure that you speak close to the microphone and stick it at about a 45 degree angle, about fist full from your face.
Enun-ci-ate. I know, it’s spelt enunciate but it’s worth mentioning. Focusing on clear pronunciation with your speech is always a good idea when recording.
Big Breaths. Breathing is another important factor that you need to care about. It’s important to breathe while you’re talking, try to make a habit to turn your mouth away from the mic whenever you take a breath.
Mic Coverage. If you're recording from a smartphone, then ensure that your mic is not obstructed with smartphone cases or fingers.
5. Do a test recording
Any time we speak, our speech consists of quieter and louder moments. Before starting a recording, it is important to test the recording volume. Generally, we don’t speak louder during test recording as in the actual recording. So, while making a test recording, be sure to speak at a volume that is at a natural level.
6. Avoid sibilance and popping sounds:
In recording an audio, sibilance and popping sounds are noticeable clearly. Wait… what the heck is sibilance? It’s the sound come from your mouth when pronouncing S’s and F’s. While popping sounds are released from mouth when pronouncing B’s and P’s. For blocking those sibilance and popping sounds, you can use pop filters to avoid these kinds of imperfections.
With these simple tips you can be on your way to a quality sounding recording in no time. It doesn’t take that much time to get good at recording audio. A few tries and you’ll start to hear what you like and what you don’t. As with anything, practice makes perfect.