Voice-Over Equipment Every Beginner Needs
If you are a beginner, it can be difficult for you to decide which equipment is needed to get started. If you keep on buying everything available on the market for voice-overs, it will put a big hole in your pocket and a lot of stress on your credit card. To make it simpler and easier for you, we have listed some of the most important equipment that every beginner needs to have while starting their voice-over recordings. We’ll also include some link to where you can buy some of this equipment.
Recording a good quality voice is not as difficult as it might seem. With the help of basic equipment, you can have a reasonable quality recording. Having said that, the quality of your voice is dependent on the quality of the equipment that you make use of. The following are some of the much-needed equipment you should have as a beginner.
1. Microphone
A microphone is a device that will help you capture your sound for voice-overs. The quality of your sound recordings will largely depend upon the quality of the microphone that you buy. Therefore, do not go cheap on it. Select a large-diaphragm condenser microphone. Check out our previous article about the 5 best microphones for recording narration.
2. Preamp
Preamp helps in amplifying the electrical signal generated by the microphone and then converts it to a language that is understandable by computer software. Moreover, think of preamp as an interface that supplies power to the microphone. Click here to see some options on Amazon.
3. Mic Stand
To record quality voice-overs, avoid handling the microphone by yourself. Instead, make use of a mic stand. It will help keep the microphone in a fixed position so that your voice recording is more consistent and free from vibrations. We recommend a short desktop mic stand rather than an “arm” mic stand which attaches to your desk. That’s because a desktop stand will be more stand and won’t pick up unwanted noise from shifting your body or low vibrations from fans or computers. Here’s some suggestions on Amazon.
4. Shock Mount
It suspends the microphone with elastic or rubber bands that help in eliminating most of the handling and vibration noise, the microphone would otherwise pick up. Small equipment which can affect your quality immensely. Check out these shock mounts on Amazon.
5. Pop Screen or Pop Filter
Sensitive condenser microphones have the ability to pick up sound from anywhere, including the plosive sound created by the mouth. This can result in ugly pops on the recording. Having a pop screen can diffuse this noise. These are usually pretty inexpensive and can be found at your local music shop or on Amazon. Check them out here.
6. Recording Software
There are several recording and editing software available in the market that can help in fine-tuning your voice. Most software offers a free trial, which you can opt for before deciding on the investment. Check out our previous article about the best DAW (Digital Audio Workstations).
7. Headphones
When you are recording for voice-overs, you should be able to hear your own recording. Therefore, investment in a good, high-quality headphone is recommended to know the nuances of your voice. We recommend Sennheiser HD 280 Pro. They’re light, with a loose yet snug fit and have a great sound. Check them out here.
Final Thoughts
All of these pieces of equipment are essential when you are just starting as a voice-over artist. At the same time, it is also important to understand that no amount of equipment can make your sound professional. Your voice is your key instrument. You must know how to convey the content of your script through your voice. Equipment is supplementary. Your voice is the main tool for your success.